medicinal Properties and uses Vethalai
This is vetrilai
medicinal properties and uses, English name betel leaves. The leaves are commonly
called vethalai in Tamil. Vetrilai benefits are more, most commonly at village
side people use vetrilai for cold treatment in Infants and children. Vethalai
leaf is broad and dark green in colour.
kuzhambu and vetrilai poondu rice are the most commonly prepared medicinal dishes
to cure cold and cough. Vethalai pakku with fruits are considered as very
important auspicious things on Tamil functions. Here are the ues and benefits
of vethalai.
botanical name: Piper Betle
Generally vetrilai
leaves are eaten after food to clean mouth but now a days these leaves along
with tobacco have become an addiction; which can be harmful to health. Too much
of chewing betel leaves can spoil teeth.
uses of Vetrilai Leaf
The aroma
of these leaves is refreshing and stimulating. It increases appetite. It induce
salivary glands because of which more saliva is created in mouth and food is
digested easily.
leaves are highly antiseptic and best remedy in respiratory problems. Ayurveda
recommends betel leaves in the treatment of bronchitis. Betel leaves juice and honey
is used as a remedy in cough and some other types of breathing problems.
leaves carries diuretic property, thus the juice of betel leaves is used to
resolve the urinary problems.
Juice of
betel leaves mixed with honey is the beneficial health tonic. It gives strength
to nerves and reduces nerves pain.
Boil 3-4
betel leaves in water along with 4-5 black pepper. Consumption of this liquid
gives instant relief in stomach pain, due to indigestion.
Putting slightly
heated betel leaves on the paining area can be very much helpful for the
patients of Arthritis.
To drain the
pus from the wounds and boils, the betel leaves along with the castor oil are
tied up on them. The pus gets drained and the wound heals effectively.
leaves are wonderfully effective during lactation. It increases the secretion
of the milk after the pregnancy along with oil.
diabetic properties of betel leaves control insulin production in body, thus these
leaves are used in the treatment of diabetes.
leaves hold analgesic and cooling quality, thus throbbing headache can be cured
with the help of betel leaves. Betel leaves juice or paste applied on forehead
can give soothing effect.
Wounds or
injuries can be quickly healed if the juice of betel leaves is applied on it
followed by bandage of betel leaf.
It you are
facing the problem of body odour, then betel leaves can be the best remedy for
you. Boil the betel leaves with water and consume the mixture daily.
leaves are helpful in controlling the bleeding nose.
Boil betel
leaves in water. After cooling use that water to wash eyes. It can reduce the
itching and inflammation of eye.
Boil betel
leaves in water and use that water for gargling. This can give relief in
bleeding gums.
Chew leaves
or rinse the mouth with betel leaves water to get rid of bad breath.
Crush some
betel leaves and mix them into water and wash the affected area 2-3 times a day
to get rid of acne.
leaves provides strength to heart and tones up the cardiovascular structure.